Prayers For the Week
God of small things, you came among us as a tiny and vulnerable baby open to all who met you. Teach us to care for the quiet and tender places in our hearts and in those of others as we nurture your compassion in our world. Amen.
Loving God, each new day you fill the world with light for our work and recreation. As we go to our daily tasks, teach us to live as your faithful children
whose eyes are open to the light of Christ. Where there is uncertainty or falsehood,
help us see your truth. Where there is division or conflict, keep us in your love.
Enable all that we do or say to bear witness to our inheritance as children of God;
through Jesus Christ, your beloved Son. Amen.
Glorious God, each day provides opportunity to awaken to the radiance of your presence, and to welcome your blessing into my life. How often I forget that I am your home! Help me to draw more closely to you, that I may manifest your love more deeply in the world. May every bright place and darkened corner grow ever more luminous as I bear your light this day. Amen.
Loving God, we begin this new day in the sure knowledge that you have claimed us as your children. In all that we do, keep us mindful of actions that are pleasing in your sight. In all that we say, make us attentive to the witness we give to your love. Let our lives be an example to all whom we encounter, living as daughters and sons of God who follow in the path of Jesus, our Lord and our brother. Amen.
Enlivening God, each morning I am awakened by your goodness nudging the earth to life. I am filled with wonder. Your steadfast love extends to the sky, your constancy reaches to the clouds. How precious is your steadfast love! It shines like the dawn, and dews the desolation of my soul. Manifest in me the gifts of your Spirit that I may rejoice in you as I delight in serving your world this day. Amen.